And man, do I wish blogs were popular when I taught b/c there are so many adorable ideas for the classroom in blogland.

One of the many things that is new to me is Teachers Pay Teachers (TPT). What a fun idea and website! A place teachers and go and sell and/or buy teaching materials. One of my mottos when in the classroom was, "Why re-create the wheel?"
When you're in the classroom with 22 8-year-olds, the tattle telling can be overwhelming. I used a system where the kids could write down their tattles and put them into our tattle jar. I would always read the tattles. First of all, I wanted their voice to be heard. But they were also very comical. Sometimes tattles do need to be dealt with, so I did need to read them. Check out this Tattle Turtle that you can buy for your classroom. Cute, cute, cute!
Sending kids home at the end of the day used to stress me out, especially at the beginning of the year. Now that I'm a mommy, it stresses me out from the parents' point of view also. I found a blog with adorable stickers to print for your students to wear. I am thinking of printing these for Brewer's teacher and including them in a little gift that we give her the first day of school. Click {here} to see them. How cute!
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