Last night he picked it out for me to read to him at bedtime. When we got to the letter U the page read like this:
U is for Uga,
Georgia's mascot of high breeding and class.
Unfortunately this little mutt is so ugly,
His face cracks any mirror's glass.
Brewer leaned down, put his cheek on the page, and said, "I love this dog named Uga." Oh, your daddy better not hear you say that. I said, "Brewer, you can love dogs. But this dog is a bad dog. He cheers for the bad guys." Brewer replied, "I like the bad guys. They wear red."
So that was the start to our FL/GA weekend. May God bless Brewer as he may need it if he fights his daddy and me about getting his Gator gear on tomorrow for the game. We believe in freedom of choice for our kids but not in their college football pickin's!!! LOL!
GO GATORS! Chomp * Chomp * Chomp!